Auto Dialer System
Advanced, Intelligent, Fully Automatic and Modular.An Auto Dialer System is essentially an electronic device that monitors alarm signals for a problem, when a problem is detected it will instantly communicate the problem to the correct on call personal so it can be quickly rectified.
It can automatically dial telephone numbers to communicate between any two points in the telephone, mobile phone networks. Once the call has been established (through the telephone exchange) the autodialer will announce verbal messages to the called party.

Different optional sensors will trip the normally open/closed dry contact on the dialer to start it calling the pre-programmed phone numbers. When an alarm sounds it will call you and play our own pre-recorded message.
We include your mobile phone number in the prescribed list and you could reach immediately and check whatever it is that’s going wrong.
Our Auto Dialer has the following features;
- Industrial/commercially designed with quality internal components (not built as quickly and cheaply as possible using the cheapest parts around).
- Multiple channels/inputs that allow the distinction of different areas/zones of the building.
- Integrated battery backup (not external or made / supplied by a third party as they might not be compatible and won’t be monitored.)
- Integrated mains failure.
- Integrated low battery alarm.
- Customizable messages that meet the specification laid down to dial 999.
- Being able to program in multiple alarm message recipients.
- Knowing that the machine will keep trying to send alarm messages until the alarm has been acknowledged.
- Be fully serviceable (6 or 12 monthly) by the manufacturer or by a Service Company fully trained by the manufacture.
- IP65 Enclosure to protect from moisture / dust and insects causing damage.
- Channel to Roster – With this feature installed each channel is in practice a separate machine, which will dial a totally separate set of alarm numbers. Ideal for a block of businesses where you want to communicate the detection of an alarm to the building owners and the individual businesses without disturbing everyone else or buying multiple auto dialers.
- Telephone line Backup – if the Land line fails e.g. a provider fault or the fire has taken out the line, the system will automatically switch to the GSM mobile/cell networks.
- SMS Text Message – The device send SMS text messages as well as Speech messages to each recipient.